
Gendered language is all around us …and nowhere more so than in the hospitality industry. “Welcome ladies and gentleman.” “Sir, may I take your bags?” “We are delighted to have you stay with us madam, let me show you to your room.” Phrases such as these have become synonymous with...

With the new school year rolling around once again, a fresh group of students are starting (or powering on through!) their university experience, and with Gallup recently finding Gen Z to be the most gender-diverse generation yet, it’s likely that many universities will be welcoming...

This incredibly unflattering pic is me hurling myself off a rock, into a canyon, in Spain. The image captures the way it can sometimes feel as a cis woman working in trans inclusion and awareness, something in which I have specialised for the past seven years. Despite...

As Pride Month 2022 drew to a close, Halifax announced the addition of pronouns to its employee name badges with a simple statement: https://twitter.com/HalifaxBank/status/1541692892175110146?s=20&t=fG09Cg4FeSvcCgRLHtRWhA “Pronouns matter. #ItsAPeopleThing” As with any corporate statement regarding representation there are three key considerations: Will the act be perceived as performative? Will...

Trans people are everywhere! Earlier this week I was casually chatting with one of my neighbours. They did not know what I did for a living, but dropped a comment into our conversation which prompted me to ask for their pronouns. As the conversation evolved it became...

Engage trans and non-binary creators and instantly make your output more inclusive and diverse Companies looking to improve their diversity and inclusion can often struggle to know where to start. With representation of all minorities (thankfully) climbing higher up the agenda, it is important for companies...

“How come there are suddenly SO many trans people around?” I won’t lie, this question comes up A LOT. When it does I like to whip out this beauty… It was created to illustrate the prevalence of left-handedness. We all know that left handedness is a natural part...

In a recent interview with Sky News, following the forced cancellation of “Safe To Be Me” the UK’s flagship event for LGBT+ people, Boris Johnson was asked to clarify his position on trans rights. His response was that his thinking on the subject was "under-developed". Placing...

LGBTQ+ Pride month is nearly upon us, which means that we can look forward to increased awareness, demonstrated by a sea of rainbows, and news feeds flooded with D&I initiatives. While this activity is incredibly important for raising awareness and demonstrating advocacy, it is important...